Simplify with Saitology Campaign

A database-first approach

How much time do you spend on simply getting your data into, and out of, the database to start your work? Invariably, user polls show it may go as high as 70%. We don't think this is acceptable.

Saitology Campaign simply eliminates this chore once and for all. In Saitology Campaign, all data is implicitly loaded into the database. Whether it comes from a file, from a web page, from an online service, or whether it already resides in a database, all of that data is automatically put in a database for you.

Do anything you want with it. It will be there for you.

The question is: With this major pain point out of the way, how are you going to spend the extra time?

A comprehensive platform

point Saitology Campaign is composed of highly-specific functional modules called nodes. Each node specializes in one area and it does its job perfectly. A node implements a single business rule or a related analytical task. Once configured, each node becomes reusable across projects and teams, while providing the security and privacy rules that are in place.

Whatever your requirements, we have a node for that!

They all have a single goal in mind: They complement each other like they were designed to do. And they work together to make your job easier than ever.

point Data collection, ingestion, cleansing, etc.

point Data transformations, analytics, segmentations, etc.

point Data distribution, file generation, report dissemination, etc.

point Orchestration and automation of individual steps or the entire workflows.

point Documentation, as tightly integrated components of your workflows.

point Actionable visibility into any details of the data and the workflows.

An intuitive interface for Humans

point When you use Saitology Campaign, you'll interact with a full-featured yet elegantly simple user interface. It makes the stunning diversity of data comprehensible to business users. You will never need advanced skills in technology, databases, table structures or query languages.

With Saitology Campaign, you simply point and click, and just like magic, things get done.

point Multimodal feedback gives you all you need to know with visual clues, colors, and messages.

point Map your thought processes almost 1-to-1 to a workflow in Saitology Campaign. Make changes just as easily! Let us check and validate all dependencies.

point Configure any step in your workflow with just a few clicks and you are good to go. Let us do the rest.

point Designed to be used with no keyboards, it minimizes typing. You won't write SQL novellas here.

point Not required: coding experience, technical background, advanced skills, SQL, database, etc.

Work in your own sandbox

point point Develop, test and apply your steps freely without any fear of intereference with or from anyone else.

Saitology Campaign lets you work non-intrusively in any environment and against any data source. Whether it is a file, a database, a data warehouse or a data mart, or even a mainframe, Saitology Campaign gives you the unique ability to run natively as well as non-intrusively in that environment.

You can of course share and collaborate with other users as freely as you want. However, this happens within the rules that you lay out.

point Include your own data sets.

point Test your own assumptions.

point Develop your own models.

point Share and collaborate your data sets with other team members.

point Share and collaborate your analytics and models at any time.

point You always get to work with fresh data. No more staging data sets for development, testing, production, etc.

Self-documentation and visibility into any activity

point Instantly get up-to-date reports on any internal and external activity. Available to you as an intrinsic part of your workflow.

You can treat this data as simple reports or you can use them as actionable information: in case of anything out of the ordinary, take any number of actions including automatic emails as well as corrective actions to restore the balance in your workflow.

point What database tables were affected? How?

point What files were processed? In what way? How many records?

point What files were used as input? As output?

point What happened to data between step A and step B?

point Who initiated the action? When? What authorizations did they have?

point How long did each step take? How does that compare historically?

Infinitely customizable

point Saitology Campaign gives you a platform that you can customize to your personal preferences and your data processing habits.

point Change the color and appearance of anything you see on screen.

point Customize icons to better match your business domain.

point Include your own documentation right next to your processing steps.

point Customize with actionable background images, colors, charts, etc.

point Hundreds of preference options are available that range from aesthetics to power settings.

Extensive documentation and support

point We are available around the clock across multiple channels: Call us, email us, text us, contact us via social media, or join our growing online community.

Join our Community Support Forums and learn from other users. Get answers to your questions, download sample solution graphs and campaigns, provide your own contributions.



point Ready out of the box, you can install it and be up and runnning literally in minutes.

A proof-of-concept takes just a day or two:

point Your own real-life challenges and requirements.

point No over-simplifications.

point No shortcuts.

point No gimmicks.