Dashboards That Deliver

Everything You Care To Measure and Report On

Saitology Reports is an end-to-end Business Intelligence and Reporting solution that dives deep into the complex world of numbers, sales figures, demographic info, click analysis, retention rates, and anything else that your business needs to stay on top of your key performance indicators (KPI) and make better business decisions every day.

Saitology Reports gives you the timely and relevant information you want, and presents it just how you want it. With Saitology Reports, you can easily empower anyone to have their own custom-made reports and dashboards: from your C-level executives like CEO's, CFO's and CMO's to Operations and IT managers, and from your internal analysts to your external partners and even customers.

Saitology Reports enables operational BI and supports enterprise-wide strategic decision making process.

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Dynamic Dashboards

Dynamic Dashboards Customize your dashboards with interactive, dynamic reports and widgets. Even better, create a different dashboard for each of the many roles you play at your job. Select from among dozens of different presentation options, charts and graphs, and customize them to your heart's content. All without a single line of coding!


Include any data from anywhere

Any Data, Anywhere Saitology Reports will fetch, slice and dice, aggregate, frame and present all relevant data - whether it exists in your network or somewhere else - in response to a specific business inquiry. We build on this comprehensive approach by packing in unique and innovative features that you won't find in any other product.


Reports as Intelligent Agents

Reports as Intelligent Agents You have reports so you can have actionable data. But can your reports act on themselves to fix things automatically, trigger certain actions or to alert just the relevant personnel to correct things? With Saitology Reports, a report is simultaneously a live, intelligent entity which you ask to take any remedial actions you specify. It can send emails and SMS messages, upload files, perform clean-ups, escalate important findings, and anything else you can think of. Or send customers a different offer if they respond differently than you expected. Saitology Reports acts on the reports it generates to help you run things more smoothly and effectively.

Interactive, Batch and On-Demand Reports

Batch and On-Demand With Saitology Reports, you can easily decide on what reports to process in batch mode and what reports can also be generated instantly and on-demand. Accelerate your business and get your users the reports they need exactly when they need them!



No Coding!

No Coding Saitology Reports provides one of the simplest and yet most powerful reporting portals available to enterprises. Saitology Reports is designed and optimized for business users. With only a few clicks, you can create reports, create and authorize your users, and start generating and serving reports. With no coding or scripts required. And without relying on IT. All functionality is available through an intuitive point-and-click interface.


Securely Share Reports

Secure Sharing Advanced multi-level security protocols are built right in so you'll never have to worry about sharing reports among your users.



Up and Runing in Minutes

Works Out of the Box Your own BI and dashboard portal can be up and running and fully operational in less than a day. You can start serving your users with all the information they need for all the decisions they need to make!



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